
04 December 2009

Star Trek and the Two Week Wait

As some of you already know, I am a big fan of Star Trek. It was through an episode of the original Star Trek series entitled Mirror, Mirror that I first learned of the concept of an alternate reality. In the alternate reality of that episode, Spock had a goatee, and Lt. Uhura was dressed in a very slutty ensemble, and torture and assassination were legitimate means of career advancement.

You may be wondering what this has to do with my current situation.

Well, today I had the blood draw that determines whether I am pregnant. I will not be posting the results of this test on this blog for a while. So, for you dear reader, there will exist two realities, the one where I am not pregnant and am very sad, and the one where I am pregnant, and am not sad, but worried about miscarrying, as happened last time.

A few days ago, my mother asked me whether I felt the same as the last time I was waiting to find out whether I was pregnant, and I had to remind her that the last time I was waiting to find out whether I was pregnant, my father got his terminal diagnosis. Maybe that is why I feel a little sad, a little angry, and a little tired, all at once. It has been a difficult nine months since that time.

So for now, I offer you the two realities. And if it amuses you to picture me pregnant, and in a slutty Star Trek uniform, so be it.

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