
09 July 2010

Desperation IVF

This essay, about the decision of a husband and wife in their early 30s who decided to go through IVF to freeze embryos to use when they are financially stable, is causing quite a stir in the fertility chat rooms I frequent.

The article refers to IVF after 35 as Desperation IVF, and IVF before 35 as Preservation IVF.
Her language does trigger a negative reaction in me, but I'll admit that she may not be as smug as I perceive her. It may be jealousy, or the lupron, or the desperation.

In short, yeah lady, I do wish I'd vitrified some embryos when I was 30. I also wish I'd fallen in love with my husband earlier. I also wish we'd gotten pregnant when we started trying.

But how nice for her that this worked out.
And if I had a daughter, I would show her this article so she would know about her options.

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